Far Infared Biomat
XBody Health, Wellness & Spa > Far Infared Biomat
Functional Medicine & Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Wayne, NJ
XBody Health, Wellness & Spa
An FDA approved medical device that converts electricity into Far Infrared Rays (FIR), nature’s invisible light. FIR was discovered by NASA to be the safest, most beneficial light wave. It penetrates 6-8 inches into the innermost recesses of the body, reducing stress and fatigue.
Some of the benefits of the Biomat:
- Relaxes the circulatory system, increasing blood flow
- Detoxification
- Relieves muscle and joint pain
- Healing soft tissue
- Boosts the immune system
- Regulates blood pressure
- Soothes the nervous system and relieves stress
- Hormone balancing
- Increases serotonin levels, thereby improving mood and mental energy.
Single 30-minute session: $30.00
Package of 3 x 30-minute sessions: $80.00