Oxygen Chair

Functional Medicine & Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Wayne, NJ

XBody Health, Wellness & Spa

O2 Oxygen Chair Medical Spa

The O2 chair guides users to breathe more consciously, slowly and deeply, improving their physical and mental health. The chair gently warms and massages while performing guided breathing and meditation exercises, leaving the user refreshed and rejuvenated. Get the most out of your day with the O2 chair.

Benefits of the O2 Chair

  • Relieving anxiety and stress
  • Promoting a good mood
  • Helping in weight control
  • Clearing the mind and improving focus
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Relieving migraines
  • Inducing better sleep for stress related disorders
  • Treating menopause symptoms
  • Reducing pain
  • Aiding in smoking cessation
  • Detoxifying and cleansing the blood
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Enhancing blood quality
  • Improve heart rate and
  • Improving lung function
  • Aiding in repairing cells
  • How it works

    The integrated tablet guides you through breathing exercises for optimal oxygenation and better stress management. With each inhale and exhale, the O2 chair subtly repositions the body, maximizing the amount of oxygen the client's lungs can absorb with each breath.

    Built-in breathing routines guide and encourage breathing through the diaphragm rather than the chest. This technique, strongly linked to yoga and meditation practices, has been shown to lower heart rate, improve muscle stability, and promote deeper states of relaxation.

    How much does the O2 Chair cost?

    O2 Chair sessions
    15 min for 1 treatment for 30$
    Package of 5 treatments- 125$

    O2 Oxygen Chair Medical Spa

    The O2 Oxygen Chair is the only technology providing effective power napping due to our unique combination of zero gravity, nap breathing exercise, synchronized swinging movement, oxygen concentrator, optional heating, soothing sound/instruction and wake up.

    Benefits of the O2 Chair include; anti-aging and detoxification, assist in weight loss, relieve anxiety, alleviate stress, prevent panic attacks, help with insomnia, reduce pain, increased memory, higher energy levels, greater balance, heightened creativity, greater focus, recover immunity and many more:

  • Treating menopause symptoms
  • Reducing pain
  • Relieving anxiety and stress
  • Aiding in smoking cessation
  • Detoxifying and cleansing the blood
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Improving posture
  • Enhancing blood quality
  • Improving lung function
  • Promoting a good mood
  • Aiding in repairing cell damage
  • Helping in weight control
  • Increasing nerve function
  • Relieving migraines
  • Inducing better sleep
  • Maintaining organ health
  • Eliminating toxins Clearing the mind and improving focus
  • How much does the O2 Chair cost?

    O2 Chair sessions
    15 min for 1 treatment for 30$
    Package of 5 treatments- 125$


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